Sheriff Hedges has been a disaster for SLO County

Sheriff Hedges' "Wheel Of Fortune"

Sheriff Hedges has been asleep at the post during most of his reign as San Luis Obispo’s top cop. NEW TIMES has done a good job of covering the innumerable messes of Hedges.

Can we elect a replacement who can bring the department up to professional standards? Can the corruption which has been allowed to fester within the Sheriffs Department be revealed and eliminated? Will the rank & file obstruct reform?

Can the public claim a role in bringing the department back to a place of trust in the community? I certainly hope so.

2 thoughts on “Sheriff Hedges has been a disaster for SLO County

  1. I voted for Joe Cortez and will do so again in November! The personnel at the Sheriff’s dept. need experienced leadership that Joe will provide, NOT a pal or buddy which Ian Parkinson will provide.

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